Specialists in relocating, traveling, logistics, accommodations, educational and healthcare needs for the businesses and individuals.
Text us your inquiry to get a tailormade solution
Smooth and seamless relocation
Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Georgia, Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.
Visa / Immigration
immigration support for individuals and families when moving to a new country; long term, short term, study or medical visas
Business Setup
Company Registration, Legal and Compliances, New Market entree, Marketing, Operation and Event management
Comprehensive service for diverse clients. Relocating for business or personal choices

1. Relocation Planning: Assisting clients in creating a well-structured relocation plan, taking into consideration their specific needs and requirements.
2. Logistics and Moving Services: Handling the logistics of moving, including packing, shipping, and customs clearance, if required.
3. Accommodation Assistance: Helping clients to find suitable housing, whether it's temporary or permanent, in their new location.
4. Travel Coordination: Arranging travel, including flights and transportation, for the company staff, family members or pets to ensure a seamless journey to the new destination.
5. Educational Support: Providing information on local childcare, schools, colleges, and universities, including assistance with the enrollment process for families with children.
6. Healthcare Guidance: Offering guidance on healthcare options and helping clients find suitable healthcare providers and insurance plans in the new location.
7. Cultural Orientation: Assisting individuals and families in adapting to the cultural and social aspects of their new environment.
8. Legal and Administrative Support: Providing guidance on immigration and legal requirements for relocation, such as visas and permits.
9. Corporate Relocation Services: Offering specialized services for businesses looking to relocate employees, including assistance with office setup and local business requirements.
10. Ongoing Support: Providing ongoing support for clients even after their initial relocation, ensuring they have access to resources and assistance as needed.
11. Customized Solutions: Tailoring your services to the unique needs of each client, recognizing that every relocation is different.
12. Global Network: Leveraging a network of contacts and resources worldwide to ensure a seamless relocation experience, whether it's a local, international, or cross-continental move.

Engagement of professional and reputed immigration agencies

1. Initial Consultation: Assessing the client's eligibility and immigration options, taking into account their specific circumstances, goals, and the country they intend to move to.
2. Documentation Assistance: Helping clients gather and complete all necessary immigration documents, including visa applications, permits, and supporting documentation.
3. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring that all immigration applications and procedures are in compliance with the laws and regulations of the destination country.
4. Visa and Permit Procurement: Assisting clients in obtaining the appropriate visas and permits, whether for work, study, family reunification, or other purposes.
5. Immigration Processing: Managing the entire application process, including submission, follow-up, and communication with immigration authorities or government agencies.
Starting a new business from conceptualization to execution.

1. Business Idea: Develop a clear business idea and identify the product or service. Conduct market research and analyze target market and demand.
2. Legal Structure and Registration: Selection of a legal structure and decide whether to form a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, or another legal entity with business registration.
3. Business Name and Branding: choosing a business name, memorable, unique for register with the relevant authorities. Create a logo and brand identity by developing branding elements that represent business visually and verbally.
4. Business Plan and Financial Management: determining funding options for the new business and establishing accounting management systems to track income, expenses, and taxes, as well creating a budget with financial projections and operational expenses.
5. Location and Facilities: selecting a physical location for the business with necessary permits and licenses to operate legally in the chosen location.
6. Product/Service Development: developing new product or service and sourcing suppliers for the materials needed for the product/service.
7. Marketing and Sales: creating a marketing plan; develop a marketing strategy that includes online and offline promotion, social media, and advertising. Building a website and establish an online presence through a professional website that showcases new products or services.
8. Legal and Compliance: securing necessary permits and licenses to ensure smooth operation in chosen location and compliance with local, state, and federal regulations applicable to this particular industry.
9. Launch and Operations: launching new business with announcement to the public through a launch event, marketing campaigns, or online presence. As well as operation of the business by running day-to-day tasks, managing finances and monitoring performance.
Send us your questions by WhatsApp or email:
Ruby Usmanova
Relocating Expert
online project c/o CAG SG PTE. LTD. (www.cag.world)